22.03.2015 // 20:00 // SHORT WAVES FESTIVAL

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SHORT WAVES GRAND PRIX 2015 are 7 the best Polish short films selected from 250 submitted titles. Each of them  fully represents the selectors’ most important criterion: artistic quality. Each of them is also a story told in a different way and through various means of expression. That is why we do not hesitate to present them all over the world and at the same time we want you to take the matter in your hands. Choose the best film. SHORT WAVES GRAND PRIX 2015 is your award. Don’t miss competition screenings!

Katarzyna Gondek
Documentary / 2013 / 20′

Katarzyna Gondek brought her video camera between the majesty and the grinder. She took a pious look on the biggest pope in the world: a 14-metre-high statue of John Paul II made of composite. As a result, we are watching with disbelief a documentary about a belief that constructs.

Marek Skrzecz
Video Clip / 2014 / 4’41“

There have been many literary works and films about Polish holidays. Marek Skrzecz complements this collection with a video clip about a holiday that happens 52 times in a year: Saturday. Dust is a story of a brilliant tractor driver who is able to dance the transformation of Polish countryside.

Tomasz Siwiński
Animation / 2014 / 14’26

Tomasz Siwiński painted pain. He painted it with blue which is considered a soothing colour. Together with the main protagonist we end up in a closed room where there is only a view but no way out. Don’t try to break the screen.

Aga Woszczyńska
Live action / 2014 / 25′

The world presented in Fragments falls slowly apart. A pair of protagonists renounces reality in a designer dungeon taken on credit but there is no place left even for emotions.
If you feel cold during this film, it is not because the air conditioning got broken.

Anna Morawiec
Documentary / 2014 / 17′

Mrs Aleksandra keeps both feet on the ground. That is why she has decided to live on Mars. She made her decision after she had found out what kind of future the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) prepared for her. Anna Morawiec provides a profound research on the relationship between Polish pension system and the universe.

Arek Nowakowski
Video clip / 2014 / 2’22“

You have certainly experienced a lot. You have seen it all, been to many places and spoken with various people. Right?
Now you will experience, see and hear even more. This juicy video clip lacks only boredom.

Tomek Ducki
Animation / 2013 / 4’20“

Here there are two old women who are getting into the water once again to swim their usual distance. This time will be different, the other way around. In this unusual animation by Tomek Ducki the double bottom exists for real.

short waves

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