Do. 07.12.2018 um 20:00Uhr KINO; USA, CiTiZEN KINO #69 : Electric Sheep REvisited x2

The XLterrestrials present an anarcho-feminist critique of the Blade Runner films, and a deconstructive media analysis of Hollywood spectacle- dystopias in context of our very realworld existential crises + social challenges. How will we shape an alternative vision for possible futures as we grapple with the immediate threats of a dismal environmental and social collapse accelerated by both the return of a rabid hyper-nationalism AND a new transnational techno-fascistic corporate state !?

CiTiZEN KiNO is a series and hybrid platform of cinema, interactive theater, media activism + analysis, and public forum.
We curate a playlist of films and media to provoke discussions, strategies and reaction.

Note: Our earliest episodes were inspired by the idea to present „expanded cinema“ shows, to counteract the passive and cubicle-ized download behaviors of traditional media formats and the invasive corporate screen-machine traps. And in 2012, we presented Electric Sheep Revisited ( v.1 ) as a tribute to the author P.K.Dick at the C-Base hacklab in Berlin in collaboration with Telekommunisten and Mozilla Foundation.

In English, but we also welcome discussion in German, Polish, etc.

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